Does the occurrence of a lunar and a solar eclipse during a single month of Ramadan constitute a sign of Imam Mahdi's reappearance? (question)

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Main entryExtraordinary and unnatural Lunar and a Solar Eclipse

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The lunar and solar eclipses as signs of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance

A solar eclipse during the 13th and 14th day of the month of Ramadan and a lunar eclipse during the 25th[1] day of the same month[2] will represent one of the miraculous manifestations of divine power that shall bring glad tidings to all sincere believers who whole-heartedly await the coming of Imam Mahdi (a). The said solar eclipse will happen during the middle of the month of Ramadan, while the lunar eclipse in question will take place either during the end or the beginning of the same month. These two events constitute signs of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi(a).[3]

From a scientific point of view, the occurrence of a solar eclipse during the beginning or the end of a lunar month, with a lunar eclipse during the middle of the very same month, constitutes an ordinary and natural phenomenon that has taken place many times in history. However, having a solar eclipse during the middle of a lunar month, with a lunar eclipse during the start or end of that month, represents an extraordinary and unnatural event which runs contrary to our understanding of physical laws.[4] Therefore, narrated traditions have also spoken of this incident as an anomalous and atypical affair.[5].[6]

Narrated traditions about the solar and lunar eclipses

Some of the narrated traditions that speak of solar and lunar eclipses as signs of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance are as follows:

  1. Tha’labih al-Azadi reports that Imam Baqir (a) said :[7] “Two signs that have never occurred (in human history) since the time of Ādam’s downfall onto the Earth will come to pass prior to the uprising of Imam Mahdi (a): A solar eclipse during the middle of the month of Ramadan and a lunar eclipse during the end of the same month.”[8] Tha’labih says that he addressed the Imam (a) and remarked, “O’ Son of the Messenger of God (s), the sun is (normally) eclipsed during the end of the month and the moon is eclipse during its middle?” The Imam (a) answered, “I am more knowledgeable with regards to what I utter. These two signs are such that nothing similar to them has ever occurred since the time of Adam’s descent onto this Earth.”[9]
  2. Imam Baqir (a) is also reported to have said :[10] “Before this occurrence of this incident (i.e. the reappearance of Imam Mahdi), a lunar eclipse will take place five days prior to the end of the lunar month. Similarly, a solar eclipse will happen on the 15th day of the same month of Ramadan. As such, the calculations of all astrologers will stand contradicted.”[11]...[12]


Apparently, the extraordinary and anomalous nature of these two events is designed to highlight the importance and grave significance of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance. By way of such happenings, people will be shocked out of their long bout of ignorance and will be awoken so that they may prepare themselves for supporting and participating within the movement of Imam Mahdi (a). Anyhow, these two signs are not amongst the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi’s return and relevant narrated traditions do not indicate them to be so.[13] Therefore, such a lunar and solar eclipse cannot be considered a definite, unavoidable and absolute sign of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance.[14]


  1. See: Khurāsānī, Muḥammad Jawād, Mahdī-ye Muntaẓar, p. 291.
  2. See: Al-Sadah, Sayyid Mujtaba, Shish Māh-e Pāyānī, pp. 108-113.
  3. See: Mujtabā Tūnaʾī, Mawʿūdnāmih, p. 299; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.
  4. See: Mujtabā Tūnaʾī, Mawʿūdnāmih, p. 299; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.
  5. Bartarinha-ye Farhang-e Mahdawiyyat dar Matbu'at, p. 241.
  6. See: Mujtabā Tūnaʾī, Mawʿūdnāmih, p. 299.
  7. See: Shaykh al-Mufīd, Al-Irshād, vol. 2, p. 497; Nu'mani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Al-Ghaybah Nu'mani, Hadith 45, p. 181; Kulayni, Muhammad ibn Ya'qub, al-Kafi, vol. 8, p. 22, Hadith 258.
  8. See: Mujtabā Tūnaʾī, Mawʿūdnāmih, p. 299.
  9. See: Al-Sadah, Sayyid Mujtaba, Shish Māh-e Pāyānī, pp. 108-113; Khurāsānī, Muḥammad Jawād, Mahdī-ye Muntaẓar, p. 234; Hāshimī Shahīdī, Sayyid Asadullāh , Zamīnasāzān-e Inqilāb-e Jahānī-ye Haḍrat-e Mahdī: az Didgāh-e Riwāyāt, pp. 86-86; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.
  10. Nu'mani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Al-Ghaybah Nu'mani, p. 271.
  11. See: Al-Sadah, Sayyid Mujtaba, Shish Māh-e Pāyānī, pp. 108-113.
  12. See: Al-Sadah, Sayyid Mujtaba, Shish Māh-e Pāyānī, pp. 108-113; Khurāsānī, Muḥammad Jawād, Mahdī-ye Muntaẓar, p. 234.
  13. See: Mujtabā Tūnaʾī, Mawʿūdnāmih, p. 299; Bartarinha-ye Farhang-e Mahdawiyyat dar Matbu'at, p. 241; A Group of Writers, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, p. 300; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.
  14. A Group of Writers, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, p. 300; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.