What is meant by the solar and lunar eclipses that form some of the signs of Imam Mahdi's Reappearance? (question)

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Main entryUnusual solar and lunar eclipses

One of the signs of Imam Mahdi's emergence from the occultation, as mentioned within narrated traditions, is the occurrence of a solar eclipse during the middle of the month of Ramadan alongside a lunar eclipse that shall happen during the start or the end of that same month. Such events have occurred numerous times throughout human history. However, the occurrence of a solar eclipse during the middle of a lunar month and a lunar eclipse during the beginning or end of a lunar month represent events that are deemed highly unusual and impossible to witness. In fact, the incidence of such eclipses shall explicitly inform us about the beginning of Imam Mahdi's return.

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The Solar and Lunar Eclipses Mentioned as Signs of Imam Mahdi's Return, and the Academic Standpoints That Exist in this Regard

One of the signs of Imam Mahdi's emergence from the occultation, as mentioned within narrated traditions[1], is the occurrence of a solar eclipse during the middle of the month of Ramadan alongside a lunar eclipse that shall happen during the start or the end of that same month[2]. From a scientific point of view, it is natural and normal to have a solar eclipse during the first or last few days of a lunar month. Similarly, there is nothing extra-ordinary about having a lunar eclipse during the middle of a lunar month. Such events have occurred numerous times throughout human history. However, the occurrence of a solar eclipse during the middle of a lunar month and a lunar eclipse during the beginning or end of a lunar month represent events that are deemed highly unusual and impossible to witness.[3] Therefore, the phenomena mentioned within narrated traditions as a sign of Imam Mahdi's reappearance is, in fact, the incidence of such eclipses at times that are unnatural and run contrary to astronomical principles.[4] Even though a large number of narrated traditions, both within Shi'a sources as well as Sunni ones, explicitly inform us about the occurrence of such celestial happenings at the very threshold of Imam Mahdi's return,[5] they nevertheless fall short of labelling these incidents as being inevitable.[6][7] Therefore, we cannot categorize these eclipses among the immutable signs of Imam Mahdi's reappearance.[8]

The Possibilities Regarding the Quality of the Unnatural Occurrence of these Solar and Lunar Eclipses

There exist a few possibilities with reference to how such unnatural events may come to pass.[9] These are as follows:

  • These eclipses may be caused by a celestial body that suddenly appears within space.[9]
  • These eclipses may be caused by a body of matter that enters space after being separated from the Earth's mass.[9]
  • These eclipses may be miraculous in nature and their occurrence may be an instance of the breakdown of natural laws.[9]

Some researchers believe that the solar and lunar eclipses mentioned within narrated traditions can be explained and interpreted within the parameters of natural phenomena. As such, they have presented various theories and hypotheses in order to elaborate on how such events can transpire within the bounds and constraints of normal physical laws. However, such an exercise seems unwarranted since there is no obstacle nor objection in considering the said incidents as miracles. The very purpose of a miracle is to present people with undeniable proof in support of the truth so that they may receive and acknowledge rightful guidance.[3]

Narrated Traditions That Speak of Solar and Lunar Eclipses as Signs of Imam Mahdi's Reappearance

Some of the narrated traditions[10] that mention solar and lunar eclipses as being signs of Imam Mahdi's emergence from the occultation are listed below:

  • Imam Baqir (a) is reported to have said:[11] "Two signs that have never occurred (in human history) since the time of Àdam's downfall onto the Earth will come to pass prior to the uprising of Imam Mahdi (a): A solar eclipse during the middle of the month of Ramadan and a lunar eclipse during the end of the same month"[12]
  • Daraqutni, reporting from Imam Baqir (a), narrates that the Imam said:[13] "Indeed, there exist two signs for the (appearance of the) Mahdi (a) the likes of which have never occurred since the creation of the Earth and the Heavens. The first of these is a lunar eclipse during the first night of Ramadan, and the other is a solar eclipse during the middle of the same month."[9][14]


It seems that the occurrence of these two events in an unnatural and extraordinary manner serves to highlight the profound significance and importance of Imam Mahdi's reappearance. As such, the happenings in question will help to wake people up from their deep state of ignorance so that they may prepare themselves for taking part in the Imam's great movement[15].


  1. Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Nu'man, Irshad-e Mufid, p. 368; Tarisi, Fadl ibn Hasan, A'lam al-wara, vol. 2, p. 285.
  2. See: Riḍwānī, ʿAlī Aṣghar, Mawʿūd Shināsī wa Pāsukh bi Shubahāt, p. 528; Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.
  3. 3.0 3.1 See: Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300; Salīmīyān, Khudāmurād, Farhangnāma-ye Mahdawīyyat, pp. 212-213.
  4. See: Zahādat, ʿAbd al-Majīd; Maʿārif wa ʿAqāʾid 5, vol. 2, pp. 269; al-Qazwīnī, Sayyid Muḥammad Kāzim, Imām Mahdī az Tawallud tā Baʿd az Ẓuhūr, pp. 298-300.
  5. See: Ṣāfī Gulpāyigānī, Luṭfullāh, Muntakhab al-Athar, p. 441.
  6. Bartarinha-ye Farhang-e Mahdawiyyat dar Matbu'at, p. 241.
  7. See: Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.
  8. See: Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 See: Riḍwānī, ʿAlī Aṣghar, Mawʿūd Shināsī wa Pāsukh bi Shubahāt, p. 528.
  10. See: Zahādat, ʿAbd al-Majīd; Maʿārif wa ʿAqāʾid 5, vol. 2, pp. 262; Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.
  11. Al-Majlisī, Muḥammad Bāqir, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. 214.
  12. See: al-Qazwīnī, Sayyid Muḥammad Kāzim, Imām Mahdī az Tawallud tā Baʿd az Ẓuhūr, pp. 298-300.
  13. Sunan-e Daraqutni, vol. 2, p. 51; Ṣāfī Gulpāyigānī, Luṭfullāh, Muntakhab al-Athar, p. 444.
  14. See: Zahādat, ʿAbd al-Majīd; Maʿārif wa ʿAqāʾid 5, vol. 2, pp. 269; Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.
  15. See: Ismāʿīlī, Ismāʿīl, Barrisī-ye Nishānihā-ye Ẓuhūr, Chashm bi Rāh-e Mahdī, pp. 298-300.